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Website Accessibility
We have tried our very best to make this website usable by as many people as possible.
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We have tried our very best to make this website usable by as many people as possible.

Some people with disabilities find using the web difficult and many sites do not accommodate those with visual or other disabilities. While we know that it is impossible to design a site that everyone can use, designing this site with accessibility in mind means that more people can access its content.

Text size on this website can be adjusted on most browsers by pressing Ctrl (cmd key on a mac) and + to enlarge or Ctrl (cmd key on a mac) and – to reduce.

For website Text-to-Speech we recommend you download Select and Speak and use in conjunction with Google Chrome.

Chrome select and speak download button

To install Select and Speak open your Google Chrome browser then click here, then click the button, then click the Add Extension button.

Speaker icon

Once installed simply highlight the text you would like to hear, then click the speaker icon,  next to the search bar, in the top right of the browser window.

Please ensure you have a speaker connected and the sound is on and turned up. Alternatively you could use ear or headphones.

If you have any questions or comments, or feel the website accessibility could be improved, please contact us online.

Upper GI Consultant Raj Veeramootoo consultations for a range of Upper GI condtions in Surrey

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