GMC Number: 6031774
I am a specialist general surgeon with enhanced interest in oesophago-gastric and biliary disease; this includes hiatal and gastric surgery, gall bladder surgery and diagnostic upper GI endoscopy. I have a specific interest in advanced endoscopy including endoscopic ultra-sound and ERCP. I also offer surgery for groin and abdominal wall hernia.
Annually I perform more than 300-400 operations, most of which are elective procedures: 150 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, 100 Hernia Repair, 50 complex UGI procedures (Giant Hiatus Hernia Repair, Heller's, anti-reflux) and laparoscopic procedures (e.g. cancer staging, feeding jejunostomy). I perform 100+ emergency operations including commonly: laparotomy for small and large bowel obstruction, peritonitis, hot cholecystectomy, appendicectomy, amongst others.
Endoscopy: I perform about 250-300 diagnostic upper GI endoscopy a year (OGD), around 150 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCPs) and 50 Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) scans annually.
I am the local clinical representative to the regional Oesophago-Gastric and Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary MDT.
I am a highly driven individual who aspires to excellence and aims to maximise all personal, relational, and professional opportunities. Since July 2016, I have established myself as a quality Consultant Upper GI and General Surgeon and valued colleague. My practice covers all aspects of emergency and elective general and specialist Upper Gastro-Intestinal surgery. I am proficient in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI endoscopy (EUS/ ERCP).
I have developed a keen interest in research and clinical leadership. I have obtained an MD for my research endeavours and disseminated my work through many peer reviewed publications and academic/ scientific presentations. I have pursued these interests further in my position as a surgical consultant and formal roles such as educational and clinical supervisor; and served a full term as the Royal College Surgical Tutor. I have also occupied a number of senior leadership roles e.g. cross-site lead (Frimley, Wexham & Heatherwood Hospitals) for Upper GI Surgery at Frimley Health.
I am driven by excellence and have received many awards during my surgical training and professional career including:
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Member of The British Medical Association.
The Medical Defence Union – Membership no. 643025C.
European Association of Endoscopic Surgeon Member No. 9702.
Association of Upper Gastro-Intestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Member of British Hernia Society
European Hernia Society
Personal interest
I am bilingual, being fluent in both English and French. I am also well versed with creole (Mauritius dialect); and have also achieved conversational status with Hindi and a couple of Indian dialects.
I enjoy all sports - Swimming, Football, Rugby and outdoor pursuits; along with indoors games like scrabble and chess. I am passionate about competitive sports; particularly F1, premier league football and world tournaments. I attend the gymnasium regularly and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
I am also an avid reader and enjoy travelling – Indian Ocean Islands, Asia, Europe, Americas.