Frimley UGI - Upper Gastro-Intestinal Surgeon Mr Raj Veeramootoo logo
Mr. Raj Veeramootoo MBBS, MD, FRCS (Eng)
I am a specialist general surgeon with enhanced interest in oesophago-gastric and biliary disease.
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Consultant General and Upper GI Surgeon

GMC Number: 6031774

I have been a consultant general and upper gastro-intestinal surgeon since 2016, following six years of higher surgical training in the London/ KSS deanery. I am trained in emergency surgery, routine and complex general and upper Gastro-intestinal surgery, routine diagnostic and advanced endoscopy.

Mr Raj Veeramootoo Upper GI Consultant Frimley in scrubs

I am a specialist general surgeon with enhanced interest in oesophago-gastric and biliary disease; this includes hiatal and gastric surgery, gall bladder surgery and diagnostic upper GI endoscopy. I have a specific interest in advanced endoscopy including endoscopic ultra-sound and ERCP. I also offer surgery for groin and abdominal wall hernia.

Annually I perform more than 300-400 operations, most of which are elective procedures: 150 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, 100 Hernia Repair, 50 complex UGI procedures (Giant Hiatus Hernia Repair, Heller's, anti-reflux) and laparoscopic procedures (e.g. cancer staging, feeding jejunostomy). I perform 100+ emergency operations including commonly: laparotomy for small and large bowel obstruction, peritonitis, hot cholecystectomy, appendicectomy, amongst others.

Endoscopy: I perform about 250-300 diagnostic upper GI endoscopy a year (OGD), around 150 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography (ERCPs) and 50 Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) scans annually.

I am the local clinical representative to the regional Oesophago-Gastric and Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary MDT.

I am a highly driven individual who aspires to excellence and aims to maximise all personal, relational, and professional opportunities. Since July 2016, I have established myself as a quality Consultant Upper GI and General Surgeon and valued colleague. My practice covers all aspects of emergency and elective general and specialist Upper Gastro-Intestinal surgery. I am proficient in Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery, and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic upper GI endoscopy (EUS/ ERCP).

I have developed a keen interest in research and clinical leadership. I have obtained an MD for my research endeavours and disseminated my work through many peer reviewed publications and academic/ scientific presentations. I have pursued these interests further in my position as a surgical consultant and formal roles such as educational and clinical supervisor; and served a full term as the Royal College Surgical Tutor. I have also occupied a number of senior leadership roles e.g. cross-site lead (Frimley, Wexham & Heatherwood Hospitals) for Upper GI Surgery at Frimley Health.

I am driven by excellence and have received many awards during my surgical training and professional career including:

  • People's Choice Prize, poster competition – Frimley Health (2018)
  • First Place Resident/Fellows Presentation Competition SAGES, USA (2011)
  • EAES Award for Best Video Presentation Geneva Convention (2010)
  • The John Farndon Research Prize – Surgical Club of South West England (2009)
  • The David Dunn Medal, ALSGBI Annual Scientific Meeting, Newcastle (2007)
  • Merit for Leadership Project, Junior Chamber International, Mauritius (2002)


Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Member of The British Medical Association.
The Medical Defence Union – Membership no. 643025C.
European Association of Endoscopic Surgeon Member No. 9702.
Association of Upper Gastro-Intestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland.
Member of British Hernia Society
European Hernia Society

Personal interest

I am bilingual, being fluent in both English and French. I am also well versed with creole (Mauritius dialect); and have also achieved conversational status with Hindi and a couple of Indian dialects.

I enjoy all sports - Swimming, Football, Rugby and outdoor pursuits; along with indoors games like scrabble and chess. I am passionate about competitive sports; particularly F1, premier league football and world tournaments. I attend the gymnasium regularly and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I am also an avid reader and enjoy travelling – Indian Ocean Islands, Asia, Europe, Americas.   

Upper GI Consultant Raj Veeramootoo consultations for a range of Upper GI condtions in Surrey

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