Frimley UGI - Upper Gastro-Intestinal Surgeon Mr Raj Veeramootoo logo
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Robotic gastrointestinal surgery procedure with Mr Veeramootoo
Robotic gastrointestinal surgery
Robotic gastrointestinal surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia where the robot is used to manipulate the surgical instruments and perform the procedure.
Frimley UGI - Mr Veeramootoo Consultant Upper GI & General Surgeon operating in theatre
LINX procedure
LINX is an innovative medical device designed to permanently treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Upper GI Consultant Raj Veeramootoo in consultation with a female patient at Park Suite, Frimley Park Hospital
Consultations with Mr Veeramootoo
Mr Veeramootoo offers a range of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) services for patients, including outpatient consultations, surgery, and specialist investigations.
Upper GI Consultant Raj Veeramootoo consultations for a range of Upper GI condtions in Surrey

Get in touch today for fast, effective diagnosis and treatment with Upper GI Consultant Mr Veeramootoo

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