Frimley UGI - Upper Gastro-Intestinal Surgeon Mr Raj Veeramootoo logo
The Parkside Suite, Frimley Park Hospital
All patients can expect to receive personalised healthcare of the highest quality from Mr Veeramootoo and his time at Frimley Park Hospital.
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Parkside Frimley has two wards and an Outpatients department. The Parkside Suite is located within Frimley Hospital, a leading NHS Foundation Trust. Private patients have access to a comprehensive range of facilities on-site 24 hours a day. All profits generated by a patient’s stay are reinvested into frontline NHS services.

Mr Veeramootoo sees both insured and non-insured patients and a referral letter from the GP is not essential.

Mr Raj Veeramootoo can see patients at parkside-frimley-logo

Consultations with Mr Veeramootoo are available at:

The Parkside Suite, Frimley Park Hospital,
Portsmouth Road, Frimley, Camberley
Surrey GU16 7UJ

Telephone: 0300 6132634


For many years Frimley Health has supported a patient’s choice with regards to their chosen medical pathway, whether that be NHS, self-funding or insured.

The unit comprises of 37 en-suite rooms all of which have been furnished to a high standard, all rooms have electrical beds, digital televisions, radio and telephones as standard. 5 of the rooms have been equipped with Draeger Cardiac monitors for our cardiology patients.

Many private hospitals provide quality care, but have limited facilities. As a private unit within a leading NHS Foundation Trust you are assured of a comprehensive range of facilities on-site 24 hours a day. The hospitals operating theatres are fully equipped to undertake a wide range of surgeries, including specialised orthopaedic procedures which are carried out in our clean-air theatre.

Parkside Private Suite, Frimley Park Hospital Amenity Beds
Mr Raj Veeramootoo Upper GI Consultant Frimley speaking with a patient post surgery 4H5A1972

Mr Veeramootoo provides private services alongside his work within the main hospital. His specialist teams support him with back-up from nurses and therapists.

Mr Veeramootoo is always available to see you in an emergency situation and with all the hospital services on-site, it is very rare for patients to be transferred for additional treatment.

All patients can expect to receive personalised healthcare of the highest quality from Mr Veeramootoo and his team at Frimley Park Hospital.

By providing this additional facility within the Trust, profits generated by private patients are reinvested into frontline NHS services, allowing Frimley Health to expand and improve the services it offers.

Me Veeramootoo's secretary, Helen will give you details about your procedure and arrange a time and date. If you are self-funding she will refer you to the Parkside Suite so we are able to price your procedure.

If you are insured we will ask you to contact your insurance company to inform them about the forthcoming procedure.

All information collated will be passed to our Booking Team at Parkside and you will be booked to come to the Parkside Suite.

Mr Veeramootoo Consultant Upper GI & General Surgeon's PA Helen

Covid-19 Guidelines

As part of a leading NHS Foundation Trust, Parkside adheres to strict guidelines regarding Covid-19.

Our staff and patients are screened for symptoms and we have extensive protection protocol in place. Our aim is to make you feel secure and confident whilst in our care.

Upper GI Consultant Raj Veeramootoo consultations for a range of Upper GI condtions in Surrey

Get in touch today for fast, effective diagnosis and treatment with Upper GI Consultant Mr Veeramootoo

Call 0300 6132634Get in touch online
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